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Showing posts from September 18, 2018

Has North Korea's Kim won a propaganda coup?

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Israel expresses 'sorrow' for Russian deaths, blames Assad and Iran

Iran is Israel's main enemy, while it also fought a war with Hezbollah in 2006. Israel also disputed Russia's assertion that it used the aircraft that was later downed with 15 crew aboard as cover while it carried out the strike. "During the strike against the target in Latakia, the Russian plane that was then hit was not within the area of the operation," a military statement said. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Pakistan govt, opposition agree for parliamentary probe into vote rigging charges

Major political parties like the Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N), the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) have alleged that the votes cast at various polling stations were changed behind closed doors after their polling agents were thrown out. The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has rejected the claims. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

EU says Turkey-Russia deal on Syria's Idlib must protect civilians

Russian president Vladimir Putin and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan - who are on opposite sides in the deadly seven-year conflict in Syria - reached the agreement on the fate of Idlib, home to three million people, in talks on Monday. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Russia summons Israel's ambassador over downed military plane

The aircraft was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft systems but Moscow said Israeli air force jets flying in the same area had put the Russian plane in the line of fire. Israel's government has not yet commented. Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on social media that the Israeli ambassador had been called into her ministry in connection with what had happened near Syria. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Merkel takes a gamble with new immigration law

With an ageing population and a shrinking workforce, Germany needs greater flexibility to fill more than a million empty positions, business leaders say. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

9 local policemen die in 'insider' attack: Afghan official

According to Khanjer, the attacker was a policeman from another checkpoint in the same district. He fled the scene, apparently to join the Taliban, and took with him all weapons from the checkpoint, Khanjer said. The Taliban made no immediate comment on the attack but insurgents are active in Char Bolak and often attack Afghan security forces there. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

EU leaders to tackle Brexit, migration failures at summit

The summit also focuses on the plight of people crossing the Mediterranean Sea after Italy's anti-migrant government recently denied entry to a number of rescue ships, endangering lives and embarrassing its EU partners. With just six months to go before Britain leaves, EU Council President Donald Tusk warned Tuesday that "unfortunately, a no deal scenario is still quite possible." from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Bangladesh to move Rohingya to island from next month: officials

Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina is scheduled on October 3 to officially open newly-constructed shelters for the displaced Muslims on Bhashan Char, a muddy islet that only emerged from the Bay of Bengal in 2006. Officials previously said they wanted to start moving refugees from overcrowded camps near the border with Myanmar to the island in June, before the monsoon began. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

EU leaders to tackle Brexit, migration failures at summit

Their summit in Salzburg, Austria starting Wednesday evening launches a series of monthly meetings aimed at overcoming key differences with Britain as its departure next March fast approaches. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Merkel takes a gamble with new immigration law

With an ageing population and a shrinking workforce, Germany needs greater flexibility to fill more than a million empty positions, business leaders say. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Russian army chief warns Israeli counterpart of 'response' to plane downing

"The full blame for the shot-down Russian plane and death of the crew is on the Israeli side," Shoigu told Lieberman in a phone call, according to a ministry statement, adding that Russia "reserves the right to future response measures." from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Berlin doctor says anti-Kremlin activist was likely poisoned

Pyotr Verzilov, publisher of a Russian online news outlet and affiliated with the anti-Kremlin band Pussy Riot, lost his sight, hearing and ability to walk but is doing better since he arrived in Berlin for treatment on Saturday, two friends said on Sunday. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Islamic scholar Tariq Ramadan faces rape accuser in court

The Swiss citizen, whose grandfather founded Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, was charged in France in February with raping two women in hotels in 2009 and 2012. Swiss prosecutors have also opened an investigation into allegations that he raped a woman in a Geneva hotel in 2008, local media reported on Sunday. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

EU's Donald Tusk suggests extra Brexit summit in November

The issue has been seized upon by populist leaders like Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini as a campaign issue ahead of next May's European Parliament elections. But Tusk, who chairs the council of EU member state leaders, insisted that actual migrant flows have returned to the levels of before the 2014 and 2015 crisis triggered by the Syrian war. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Five things about the North-South summit in Pyongyang

Tuesday's meeting between the South's President Moon Jae-in and the North's leader Kim Jong Un — their third so far this year, but Moon's first trip to Pyongyang as president -- was no exception. Here are five things we have learned so far. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Brexiteers start "chuck Chequers" campaign against UK PM May's plans

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Pakistan's austerity car auction falls short, new PM Khan commutes by helicopter

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Review underway for Russia probe documents ordered released

The Justice Department and the office of Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats say they are working together to comply with Trump's order. The president's decision triggers a declassification review by various agencies. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Leaders of two Koreas meet for high-stakes summit

Hundreds of North Koreans wearing suits and traditional dresses also greeted Moon, carrying flowers and waving Korean peninsula and North Korean flags. A sign behind them read: "We ardently welcome President Moon Jae-in's visit to Pyongyang!" from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Second Brexit vote campaign faces race against time

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Trump cuts refugee admissions to 30,000 for 2019: Mike Pompeo

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Russia, Turkey agree to establish demilitarized zone in Idlib

The demilitarized zone with a depth of 15-20 km will be created along the contact line of the armed opposition and the government forces, Putin said at a joint press conference following talks with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Russia's Sochi, Xinhua reported. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Trump declassifies documents related to FBI Russia probe

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India