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Showing posts from November 1, 2018

'Lankan Parliament won't be convened on Monday'

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Germany will back extension of sanctions against Russia: Merkel

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Italy prosecutors to drop migrants case against Matteo Salvini

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

S Korean prez: N Korean leader Kim to visit Seoul 'soon'

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Bus service with Pakistan will not change our stand on Kashmir: China

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US senator says China, US 'competitors but not adversaries'

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

German health minister sets out pitch for Merkel succession

Jens Spahn, 38, has long talked tough on migration, which he described in an article for Thursday's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper as the "elephant in the room.'' Spahn is one of three high-profile candidates vying to succeed Merkel as leader of the Christian Democratic Union. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Protesters on the boil in Pakistan against acquittal of Christian woman in blasphemy case

Pakistan was tense on Thursday as countrywide protests against the acquittal of a Christian woman sentenced to death for committing blasphemy entered the second day despite Prime Minister Imran Khan's warning to defiant hardliners. Asia Bibi, a 47-year-old mother of four, was convicted in 2010 after being accused of insulting Islam in a row with her neighbours. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Google employees to walk out to protest treatment of women

The Google protest billed, "Walkout For Real Change," is unfolding a week after a New York Times story detailed allegations of sexual misconduct about the creator of its Android software, Andy Rubin. The report said Rubin received a $90 million severance package in 2014 even though Google concluded the sexual misconduct allegations again him were credible. Rubin derided the Times story article as inaccurate and denied the allegations in a tweet. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Discovery of bones near Vatican embassy revives 1983 mystery

The Vatican said Tuesday that human bones were found during renovation work near its embassy to Italy, reviving talk about one of the Holy See's most enduring mysteries — the fate of the 15-year-old daughter of a Vatican employee who disappeared in 1983. Orlandi had disappeared after leaving her family's Vatican City apartment to go to a music lesson in Rome. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Indonesia search recovers crashed jet’s flight recorder

Navy divers interviewed on Indonesian television say they’ve recovered the crashed Lion Air jet’s flight recorder from the sea floor, as experts carried out the grim task of identifying dozens of body parts recovered from a 15-nautical-mile-wide search area. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Woman survives six days in Arizona desert after crash

A 53-year-old woman survived six days in the Arizona desert on grass and water after crashing her car, before being rescued by a rancher and highway workers who were chasing a cow. Seriously injured from the crash, the woman remained in the car for several days before climbing out and trying to walk to a nearby railway line for help. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Don't want to harm friends, allies with Iran sanctions: US

US national security adviser John Bolton said on Wednesday the Trump administration wants sanctions on Iran's crude exports to strain Tehran but does not want to harm countries that depend on the oil. The United States is preparing to impose the new sanctions on Iran's oil industry after Washington withdrew from a nuclear deal between Tehran and other global powers earlier this year. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Lanka needs to follow necessary constitutional process to determine its leadership: US

Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena replaced Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe with former president Mahinda Rajapaksa in a dramatic turn of events last Friday. Sirisena swore in a new Cabinet under Rajapaksa on Monday despite a warning from the parliament speaker. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Saudi King's dissident brother returns to Riyadh as royals battle Khashoggi crisis

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India