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Showing posts from May 12, 2019

Baloch group warns China against its presence in the region

"Baloch youth has time and again warned China to immediately stop its exploitation of Baloch land. But China has failed to take notice of our genuine concerns. China is using Baloch land to further its evil designs and in doing so it is aiding Pakistan to brutally suppress Baloch civilians," the video message posted online says. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US banding together with India, like-minded nations to protect sovereignty of Indo-Pacific: Mike Pompeo

The US is "banding together" with nations like India, Australia, Japan and South Korea to ensure that the sovereignty of Indo-Pacific nations are protected and that they are not subjected to any coercion, secretary of state Mike Pompeo said. He said putting 'America First' means proudly associating with nations that share its principles and are willing to defend them. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Donald Trump, Xi Jinping could meet next month on trade: White House aide

US President Donald Trump and China's Xi Jinping could meet next month on the sidelines of the G20 summit to hash out their differences on trade, but no new talks are scheduled, White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Sunday. The world's top two economies ended two days of negotiations in Washington on Friday with no deal. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Trump, Xi could meet next month on trade: White House aide

US President Donald Trump and China's Xi Jinping could meet next month on the sidelines of the G20 summit to hash out their differences on trade, but no new talks are scheduled, White House economic advisor Larry Kudlow said Sunday. The world's top two economies ended two days of negotiations in Washington on Friday with no deal. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Iran may attack Israel if US standoff escalates: Israeli minister

US has increased economic and military pressure on Iran, with President Donald Trump on Thursday urging its leaders to talk to him about giving up their nuclear programme and saying he could not rule out an armed confrontation. Israeli government, which supports Trump's hard tack against its arch-foe, has largely been reticent about the spiralling tensions. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US, EU spar over sharing electronic evidence in investigations

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

US, EU spar over sharing electronic evidence in investigations

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

US transfers funds meant for Afghanistan, Pak for building Mexico wall

The US is transferring $1.5 billion originally meant for the Afghan security forces and the Pakistan military to a fund to help pay for construction of the US-Mexican border wall, according to acting US Defence Secretary Patrick Shanahan. "We reprogrammed USD 1.5 billion toward the construction of more than 120 miles of border barrier without impacting readiness," he said. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Angela Merkel's preferred successor says won't seek post before 2021

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's preferred successor, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, said that she would not seek the top job before Merkel's term ends in 2021. "So I can rule out the possibility that I will work deliberately to seek a change earlier," she said. German media have been speculating for months over whether Merkel may leave earlier as head of colaition govt. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Pope ordaining 19 men to priesthood in St. Peter's Basilic

Pope Francis is ordaining 19 men to the priesthood in St. Peter's Basilica. Most of them are Italians, but other seminarians are from Croatia, Peru, Haiti and Japan. Wearing white robes, the seminarians stood in three rows before the central altar after replying, "Here I am," as their names were called one by one. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Pakistani forces comb hotel a day after raid kills at least five

Pakistani security forces searched a luxury hotel in the port city of Gwadar on Sunday a day after separatist insurgents stormed in, killing at least five people, in what the militants said was a strike against Chinese and other foreign investors. Officials said at least four gunmen raided the five-star Pearl Continental Hotel, but police declined to say if any of the attackers had been captured or killed. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

UN leader arrives in New Zealand on climate change trip

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Myanmar plane in emergency touchdown as landing gear fails

A Myanmar pilot saved the day after his aircraft's landing gear failed, forcing the jet into an emergency landing with no front wheels on Sunday morning, an official said. The nailbiting touchdown — in which nobody was injured — was the second instance of a malfunctioning flight in less than a week within the country. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Sri Lanka Catholics hold 1st Sunday Mass since attacks

The Catholic Church in Sri Lanka has held the first regular Sunday Mass since the Easter suicide bombings of churches and hotels killed more than 250 people. Military forces and police are patrolling the streets leading to churches and standing guard outside the compounds. Everyone entering is required to produce identity cards and is body searched. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Australia's PM launches official campaign six days out from election

Australia's Prime Minister Scott Morrison officially launched his party's election campaign on Sunday, less than a week before the May 18 vote that opinion polls have consistently indicated he will lose. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Harvard’s first black faculty deans let go amid uproar over Harvey Weinstein defense

Harvard said Saturday that a law professor who is representing Harvey Weinstein would not continue as faculty dean of an undergraduate house after his term ends June 30, bowing to months of pressure from students. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Latest Sri Lanka arrest throws spotlight on Wahhabism in eastern hotbed

Sri Lankan authorities have arrested a Saudi-educated scholar for what they claim are links with Zahran Hashim, the suspected ringleader of the Easter Sunday bombings, throwing a spotlight on the rising influence of Salafi-Wahhabi Islam on the island's Muslims. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

North Korean cargo ship seized by US arrives in American Samoa

The Wise Honest was slowly towed to the port of Pago Pago during a cloudy Saturday morning and docked at the main docking section of the port that afternoon. The trip from Indonesia took about three weeks and American Samoa, in the South Pacific, was chosen because of "its central strategic location," US Coast Guard public affairs officer Amanda Wyrick said. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Gunmen storm five-star hotel in Pakistan, killing at least one

Gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in Pakistan's southwestern port city of Gwadar on Saturday, killing at least one guard and battling security forces inside, officials and the army said. Balochistan home minister Ziaullah Langove said most guests were evacuated from the five-star Pearl Continental Hotel where the attack took place. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Putin scores, wins, and then falls face first on hockey ice

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Nurse ‘killed 300 patients’. Why did no one stop him?

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

White House told witness to say Trump ‘didn’t obstruct’

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India