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Showing posts from June 19, 2020

Twitter flags Trump's tweet of doctored 'racist baby' video

Twitter has slapped another label on a tweet by President Donald Trump, this time warning that a video he shared was doctored and escalating the social media company's crackdown on one of its most widely followed users. After Trump tweeted the video late on Thursday, Twitter took the rare step of adding a warning that it was "manipulated media". from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Virus already in Italy by December, waste water study finds

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Germany, France, UK press Iran to provide atomic site access

from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Europeans working with US to restructure WHO, top official says

The European health official, who spoke on condition of anonymity while discussing initiatives that are not public, said Britain, France, Germany and Italy were discussing WHO reforms with the United States at the technical level. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

'It may save your life': Facing virus surge, more US states mandate masks

Putting aside concerns about individual rights and political unpopularity, US governors and mayors said they were turning to compulsory face coverings to stop the virus running out of control as economies reopened. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

'It may save your life': Facing virus surge, more US states mandate masks

Putting aside concerns about individual rights and political unpopularity, US governors and mayors said they were turning to compulsory face coverings to stop the virus running out of control as economies reopened. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Trudeau supports opposition head expelled from Parliament over racism row

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday stood behind the leader of an opposition party who had been temporarily thrown out of Parliament for accusing another member of racism. Head of the New Democratic Party (NDP) Jagmeet Singh, who is Sikh, is the first member of a minority to lead a federal political party in Canada. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US marks 'Juneteenth' end of slavery amid tensions over racist past

Demonstrations, prayers and cultural celebrations of food and music will enliven communities from New York to Los Angeles to honor the day in 1865 when a Union general proclaimed in Galveston, Texas that all slaves were free. Some 155 years after the demise of the pro-slavery Confederacy, several tragedies have led the country into a reckoning on race. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US marks 'Juneteenth' end of slavery amid tensions over racist past

Demonstrations, prayers and cultural celebrations of food and music will enliven communities from New York to Los Angeles to honor the day in 1865 when a Union general proclaimed in Galveston, Texas that all slaves were free. Some 155 years after the demise of the pro-slavery Confederacy, several tragedies have led the country into a reckoning on race. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Scientists call for retraction of study claiming coronavirus spread is mainly airborne

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Uighur 'Imams' most vulnerable to persecution in mainland China

Uyghur Hjelp, a Norway-based Uighur advocacy and aid organisation, told Voice Of America (VOA) news outlet last week that Chinese authorities since 2016 have detained at least 518 key Uighur religious figures and Imams. The organization also said it has found some of the Imams, who were previously trained and employed by Beijing, are now sentenced with long prison terms while a few of them have lost their lives in internment camps. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Australian leader says unnamed state increasing cyberattacks

“This is the actions of a state-based actor with significant capabilities. There aren't too many state-based actors who have those capabilities,” Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said. Morrison would not comment on the inevitable speculation that the cyberattacks were part of Australia's increasingly hostile rift with China. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Trudeau supports opposition head expelled from Parliament over racism row

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Chinese acts on India border meant to take advantage of Covid distractions: US

China opening multiple fronts like the one on India border may be because of Beijing's assessment that the world is distracted due to Covid-19 pandemic and it may advantage of it, a top American diplomat said Thursday. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs David Stilwell made the remark, adding the Trump administration is closely watching the Indo-China situation. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Trump warns of 'complete decoupling' from China despite talks

President Donald Trump warned Thursday the United States had the option to separate from China's deeply intertwined economy, despite the powers' pledges to move forward on a trade deal. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Trump warns of 'complete decoupling' from China despite talks

President Donald Trump warned Thursday the United States had the option to separate from China's deeply intertwined economy, despite the powers' pledges to move forward on a trade deal. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Australia says it has been victim of 'state-based' cyber-attacks

A "sophisticated state-based actor" has been attempting to hack a wide range of Australian organisations for months and had stepped up its efforts recently, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Friday. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India