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Showing posts from January 26, 2019

Death toll in Mexican pipeline blast rises to 114

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US envoy hails 'significant progress' in Taliban talks

"Meetings here were more productive than they have been in the past. We made significant progress on vital issues," Zalmay Khalilzad, the US special representative for Afghan reconciliation, wrote on Twitter. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Venezuelan showdown moves to UN as dueling presidents dig in

The session focusing on Venezuela's crisis comes a day after Guaido vowed to remain on the streets until his country has a transitional government, while Maduro dug in and accused his opponents of orchestrating a coup. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Pope Francis says Church hasn't known 'how to listen'

In a mass that he officiated at the centuries-old Cathedral of Santa Maria La Antigua in Panama City, Francis warned of the "weariness of hope to see a Church wounded by sin that often has not heard so many screams." from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Myanmar's first LGBT pride boat parade sets sail

Some 600 revellers partied under a blazing sun as the discreet community slowly emerges into the limelight in a country where gay sex remains illegal. Last year marked a milestone after authorities granted permission to hold the event for the first time in a public park with some 12,000 people coming along. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US envoy hails 'significant progress' in Taliban talks

"Meetings here were more productive than they have been in the past. We made significant progress on vital issues," Zalmay Khalilzad, the US special representative for Afghan reconciliation, wrote on Twitter. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Pope Francis says Church hasn't known 'how to listen'

In a mass that he officiated at the centuries-old Cathedral of Santa Maria La Antigua in Panama City, Francis warned of the "weariness of hope to see a Church wounded by sin that often has not heard so many screams." from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Radio Mirchi starts operations in US

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Foreign troops to quit Afghanistan in 18 months under draft deal: Taliban officials

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

German chancellor Angela Merkel calls on each citizen to fight anti-Semitism

Merkel said on Saturday in her weekly podcast: "Today we are seeing a very different kind of anti-Semitism: there's the hatred of Jews by our local people, but also by Muslim migrants." On Sunday, Germany and many other countries are marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Iran accuses France of 'destabilising' region

Iran "considers the mass sales of sophisticated and offensive weapons by... France as a factor in destabilising the balance of the region," the statement said. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

US cop charged after 'game of Russian roulette' claims life of colleague

A St. Louis police officer has been charged with involuntary manslaughter in the shooting death of a colleague. Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner announced the charge against Nathaniel Hendren, 29, in the death of 24-year-old Katlyn Alix, as they allegedly played a game in which a revolver's cylinder was emptied, one bullet put back and the two colleagues took turns pointing at each other and pulling the trigger. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Nawaz Sharif's lawyer files plea seeks bail on health grounds

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Fears rise for 300 missing in Brazil dam disaster; 9 bodies recovered

Seven bodies were recovered on Friday hours after the disaster, which saw a torrent of mud break through the disused dam at the iron-ore mine close to the city of Belo Horizonte, in the state of Minas Gerias, around 1:00 pm. Up to 150 of those missing worked in the company's administrative offices which were closest to the dam break. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Germany should phase out coal mining by 2038: commission

The transition is expected to cost up to $91 billion over 20 years. Under the plan, several plants that use lignite or brown coal, will be closed by 2022. Other plants will follow until 2030, when only 17 gigawatts of Germany's electricity will be supplied by coal, compared to today's 45 gigawatts. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Asia Bibi's lawyer to return to Pakistan: Report

Saiful Malook went to the Netherlands last year due to "security concerns" when violence broke out soon after Bibi's acquittal. Talking to The Express Tribune, Malook said he would return to attend the January 29 Supreme Court hearing on the review petition against his client. The paper reported that the lawyer, however, requested Prime Minister Imran Khan to ensure his security in Islamabad from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Brexit date could be pushed back by a "couple of extra weeks": UK lawmaker

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Trump ally Stone charged with lying about hacked emails

The self-proclaimed dirty trickster, arrested by the FBI in a raid before dawn Friday at his Florida home, swiftly blasted the prosecution as politically motivated. Stone proclaimed his innocence and predicted his vindication. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Day and night, yellow vest protests keep pressure on Macron

Multiple protests are planned Saturday around Paris and other cities, the 11th straight weekend of action prompted by Macron policies seen as favoring the rich. Macron has sapped some support for the movement through a national debate in towns across France. from Europe News Headlines, Latest Europe News and Live Updates - Times of India

Thousands protest Australia Day legacy

While Australia Day marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the “First Fleet” of British ships at Sydney Cove, many indigenous Australians, who trace their lineage on the continent back 50,000 years, regard it as “Invasion Day”. “Today marks the start of colonisation and the start of genocide and you name it,” said Jayden Riley, 17, who was marching in Sydney in a singlet in the black, yellow, and red colours of the Aboriginal flag. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Experts, images suggest a Saudi ballistic missile programme

Further raising the stakes for any such program are comments by Saudi Arabia's powerful Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who said last year the kingdom wouldn't hesitate to develop nuclear weapons if Iran does. Ballistic missiles can carry nuclear warheads to targets thousands of kilometers (miles) away. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

UNSC debates impact of climate change on peace, security

"The risks associated with climate-related disasters do not represent a scenario of some distant future. They are already a reality today for millions of people around the globe," Rosemary DiCarlo, UN's political affairs chief was quoted as saying by Xinhua news agency on Friday. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Search on for up to 200 missing after Brazil dam collapse

Workers with Brazilian mining company Vale were buried after a dam that held back waste collapsed. Seven bodies had been recovered by late Friday. But the fear was that there would be many more as rescue and recovery teams dug through feet of mud. About 300 employees were working when the dam collapsed. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Kentucky bishop apologizes for reaction to viral encounter

An initial joint statement from the Diocese of Covington and Covington Catholic High School on Saturday had condemned the students for their actions. A statement released Tuesday said the diocese would initiate a third-party investigation of the incident. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Anti-Maduro coalition grew from secret talks

In mid-December, Guaido quietly traveled to Washington, Colombia and Brazil to brief officials on the opposition's strategy of mass demonstrations to coincide with Maduro's expected swearing-in for a second term on Jan. 10 in the face of widespread international condemnation, according to exiled former Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma, an ally. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Trump signs bill to temporarily reopen govt after longest shutdown in history

Standing alone in the Rose Garden, Trump said he would sign legislation funding shuttered agencies until Feb. 15 and try again to persuade lawmakers to finance his long-sought wall. The deal he reached with congressional leaders contains no new money for the wall but ends the longest shutdown in U.S. history. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Donald Trump signs bill to temporarily reopen government after longest shutdown in history

Standing alone in the Rose Garden, Trump said he would sign legislation funding shuttered agencies until Feb. 15 and try again to persuade lawmakers to finance his long-sought wall. The deal he reached with congressional leaders contains no new money for the wall but ends the longest shutdown in U.S. history. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India

Trump announces deal to reopen US government

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, America Breaking News - Times of India