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Showing posts from March 8, 2021

How Donald Trump administration left indelible mark on US immigration courts

On a rainy September day in 2018, Jeff Sessions, then US attorney general, addressed one of the largest classes of newly hired immigration judges in American history. "The vast majority of asylum claims are not valid," he said during a swearing-in ceremony in Falls Church, Virginia, according to his prepared remarks. If judges do their job, he said, "the number of illegal aliens and the number of baseless claims will fall." from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

How Donald Trump administration left indelible mark on US immigration courts

On a rainy September day in 2018, Jeff Sessions, then US attorney general, addressed one of the largest classes of newly hired immigration judges in American history. "The vast majority of asylum claims are not valid," he said during a swearing-in ceremony in Falls Church, Virginia, according to his prepared remarks. If judges do their job, he said, "the number of illegal aliens and the number of baseless claims will fall." from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Syrian president, wife test positive for coronavirus

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Two protesters killed in Myanmar, shops and factories closed

Photos posted on Facebook showed the bodies of two men lying on the street in the northern town of Myitkyina. Witnesses said they were taking part in a protest when police fired stun grenades and tear gas. Several people were then hit by gunfire from buildings nearby. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Jill Biden helps honor women from 15 countries for courage

First lady Jill Biden says nearly two dozen women the State Department is honoring for their courage made an "intentional decision" to persist and demand justice despite their fear. The 21 women being recognized on Monday with the department's International Women of Courage Award include seven from Afghanistan who are receiving posthumous honors. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Jill Biden helps honor women from 15 countries for courage

First lady Jill Biden says nearly two dozen women the State Department is honoring for their courage made an "intentional decision" to persist and demand justice despite their fear. The 21 women being recognized on Monday with the department's International Women of Courage Award include seven from Afghanistan who are receiving posthumous honors. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

Joe Biden to direct Education Department to review Title IX changes

President Joe Biden is set to sign an executive order on Monday directing the Department of Education to review policies implemented by Donald Trump's administration, including changes to Title IX regulations that prohibit sex discrimination in federally funded institutions, according to administration officials. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

Top New York Democrats urge Andrew Cuomo to resign over sexual harassment allegations

The two top Democrats in New York's state legislature said on Sunday that sexual harassment allegations leveled against Governor Andrew Cuomo by five women, most of them former aides, have undermined his ability to lead and he should resign. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

Hong Kong leader praises China's plan to install 'patriots'

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Key Saudi oil site attacked, sending oil prices above $70

The attacks on Sunday were intercepted, Saudi Arabia said, and oil output appeared to be unaffected. But the latest in a spate of assaults claimed by Iran-backed Houthi rebels pushed oil prices to above $70 a barrel for the first time since January 2020. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Pope Francis departs Iraq after historic trip

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

'No holds barred': Meghan and Harry's historic interview

The gloves came off as the pair lifted the veil on their dramatic exit from royal life, holding little back as they alleged racism in royal ranks, and a campaign of lies targeting Meghan. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

George Floyd's uncle wants justice, but frets about 'the system'

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

New Zealand to buy enough vaccines for entire population

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Meghan says British royals worried about her son's dark skin

Meghan, the wife of Prince Harry, said there were concerns about how dark her son Archie's skin would be before his birth and that such worries explained why he was not given the title of prince. Meghan, whose mother is Black and father is white, said she was naive before she married into the royal family in 2018, but that she ended up having suicidal thoughts and considering self harm after asking for help but getting none. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Switzerland votes to ban 'burqa' in public

The so-called anti-burqa vote came after years of debate in Switzerland following similar bans in other European countries -- and in some Muslim-majority states -- despite women in Islamic full-face veils being an exceptionally rare sight in Swiss streets. from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Meghan says British royals worried about her son's dark skin

Meghan, the wife of Prince Harry, said there were concerns about how dark her son Archie's skin would be before his birth and that such worries explained why he was not given the title of prince. Meghan, whose mother is Black and father is white, said she was naive before she married into the royal family in 2018, but that she ended up having suicidal thoughts and considering self harm after asking for help but getting none. from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

Blinken offers plan to bolster Afghan peace process: Report

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Blinken offers plan to bolster Afghan peace process: Report

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

US says Russian-backed outlets spread Covid-19 vaccine 'disinformation'

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India

Unions call to shut Myanmar economy, NLD official dies

from World News Headlines, Latest International News, World Breaking News - Times of India

Fauci: US could be headed for another virus spike

from US News Headlines, Latest USA News, US Election 2020 news on Times of India